For this next installment of "One on One", I interviewed HR Specialist Shawnte' Stevenson.
Sean Allen: What is your current title/position?
Shawnte' Stevenson: HR Specialist (Employee Relations) for the Social Security Administration
SA: What duties does that job involve?
SS: I provide consultation services (advise and guidance) to SSA Management Officials in order to correct misconduct and performance issues.
SA: So have you had to do any negotiations on your job?
SS: Yes I sometimes have to negotiate settlement agreements with the union after a proposed adverse
action is issued, a union official may ask management if the employee can have a lesser penalty. If management decides that the employee can face a lesser penalty, I (as a representative of management)
negotiate with the union (the employee's rep) the contents of what should go into the settlement.
SA: Have you ever been involved in a negotiation that didn't go the way you wanted?
SS: Yes. When I could not get a settlement agreement that didn't meet the needs/interests of management, we moved forward with the adverse action
SA: Does BATNA play a role in any of your negotiations?
SS: No, because there are certain things that management won't budge on. So, if we (management) do not get what we want, then we go through with the suspension/removal.
SA: Any negotiation meetings stand out to in your memory?
SS: Yes, there was one for behavior that an employee engaged in that was just egregious. The union proposed that the employee face no type of discipline at all because the employee may have been dealing with some personal problems. The union felt that they should not face any discipline for their behavior.
SA: Thank you so much for your time Ms. Stevenson.
SS: You're very welcome.
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